GIRL-INTERRUPTED: Dynamo Hiphop Street Magician


-----------CLAIRE-LOUISE JEDREK------------ --------1/2 Potato & 1/2 Kway Teow--------- -----Born in UK, moved to Singapore in 94'--- ------------ADRENALINE JUNKIE-------------- ----Loves Motorsports & Extreme sports----- ----------WORKS in ENTERTAINMENT----------- -----------------Cat Lover----------------- --------ULTRA BOOKWORM in DISGUISE------- -----------Rides an Aprilia RS125---------- -----LOVES Conversations and Traveling-----

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dynamo Hiphop Street Magician

So this last week has been crazy busy !
G's friend and celebrity Adidas superstar magician 'dynamo' stayed with us while he passed through S'pore for 3 hectic days! He's performed and is friends with Snoop, Kanye and pretty much most of the Hiphop world and performed at the EMA's thisyear!

Here's a great write-up so it makes it easier for me from

"DYNAMO is one of the most important creative forces in magic today. His unique approach combines music, street culture and jaw dropping close up illusion in a way never seen before. It has been this ability to transcend the magic scene that has made him the most relevant magician of his generation.

From starring in music videos alongside ‘The Raconteurs’ and Kanye West, to having Snoop Dogg rhyme 32 bars about him and performing for the likes of Coldplay, Prince Charles and Paris Hilton, it’s been a long journey for Bradford’s favourite son.

Growing up on the notorious Delph Hill, West Bowling and Wyke Manor estates, a young Steven Frayne knew he was destined for greatness. At an early age he was inspired by the impact of hip hop culture, local break-dancers who fused many styles to create something unique, and MC’s who promoted themselves through the use of the mix tape circuit."

WE got him to perform at Attica on wednesday to perform some of his tricks and pretty much blew away who was watching, making the deck of cards move, pulling out your card from his shoe then somehow pulling out a coke can out of it too!

Look out for him in next months issue of FHM April edition in the mean time here are some pictures !



Claire-Louise Jedrek


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