-----------CLAIRE-LOUISE JEDREK------------ --------1/2 Potato & 1/2 Kway Teow--------- -----Born in UK, moved to Singapore in 94'--- ------------ADRENALINE JUNKIE-------------- ----Loves Motorsports & Extreme sports----- ----------WORKS in ENTERTAINMENT----------- -----------------Cat Lover----------------- --------ULTRA BOOKWORM in DISGUISE------- -----------Rides an Aprilia RS125---------- -----LOVES Conversations and Traveling-----

Thursday, January 29, 2009

24th January SA

For the most part, its been chilling, relaxing and tanning by the beaches and at the house prior to the big wedding day. Its been unbelievably hot and dry every day, but nights are chilly and windy, so you go from wearing next to nothing by the pool, having to stick on a jumper once there is shade, even though in the distance you can see the sun shining down on Capetown.

We had a few adventures getting lost in the shanty towns, which made us shit in our pants every time we stopped at a traffic light and people pointing at the bright Orange burnt coloured H3 hummer we ride in:S hahaha Besides all the talk of how dangerous it is, people have been ever so hospitable and welcoming and I see myself taking a nother 1094874 billion pictures of South africa!

Claire-Louise Jedrek

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